Cookies Policy -
By visiting the Website and viewing it’s Content, You confirm that You fully accept and acknowledge with this Cookie Policy and the procedure of collecting and using Cookies on the Website.
Our site may obtain, collect and analyze information and data about Your general Internet usage by means of a Cookie file which is most commonly stored on Your browser and / or on Your computer’s hard drive. Cookies help Us improve Our Website, services, expertise and im-prove Your overall user experience.
The purpose of the Cookies is to assure that Website works and operates properly, maintain and improve it’s functions, speed up and develop it’s performance, and/or to deliver collected information to the Administrators of the Website for the developing purposes. We will issue Cookies immediately as You visit the Website unless Your Internet browser is set to block Cookies.
It is important to emphasize that some of the Cookies are used because they are essential tool for Website operations and functionalities and You are advised not to block them. Anyhow, If You still decide to block use of Cookies on Your computer’s hard disk, You can do so by activating a setting in Your browser.
Activation of Cookies blocker enables You to choose either blocking entire or just part of Cook-ies (i.e. Block All No-essential Cookies). If You block all the Cookies, there is a great chance that You might not be able to access all the pages of the Website and / or to use all the functionalities of the Website.
We have to emphasize that our Website includes Third-Party’s Content or some other type of external services. These providers, partners and contents use Cookies as well though We have no control or insights over their Cookies and it’s usage. For these reasons, We advise You to read carefully any Cookie Policy issued by our Partners in order to avoid any misuse of Your personal information collected and processed by these Administrators.
Therefore We recommend that You also read their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to be informed about how these third parties process and collect Your Personal Information.